Образовательная программа "Международная экономика и финансы"
Московская школа экономики
Описание: The international English-language Master's program «Global Economics and Finance» prepares highly qualified financiers and economists who are able effectively apply analytical, research and leadership skills, innovative methods and unique knowledge in the development and implementation of financial management strategies in the context of high competition and a rapidly changing environment in global international and local job markets. The program includes trainings for the Chartered Financial Analyst® professional qualification exams and is designed for graduates who have completed undergraduate and technical and socio-economic specialties, possess analytical skills and seek to apply logic and abstract thinking in solving the most complex, non-standard problems. The program attracts students with engineering, mathematical and economics background who wish to use their knowledge effectively and build a successful career in the field of applied corporate finance, financial risk management, or investment banking.
Вступительные испытания: общая экономическая теория (на английском языке, устно) (1) иностранный язык (письменно) (2) Язык реализации: английский Продолжительность: 2 года Форма обучения: очная Количество платных мест: 40 Стоимость обучения в 2021 году: 460000 руб в год (в 2021) Код образовательной программы: 38.04.01 Контактное лицо: Ануш Альбертовна Акопян anush.hakobyan@gmail.com